The Screech In

Get Screeched in

"It is still the most fun method for us “CFA's,  Come from-away” to become honorary Newfoundlanders. Whether you’re in the pubs on George Street or on a boat in Iceberg Alley, visitors can back a shot of “screech” – strong local rum – and kiss the cod emblem of the island’s historic fishing industry. Only the brave, or silly, pucker up to real fish" ..........  Great Canadian Bucket List.

What started as a bit of fun has somehow gained allot of attention.  Why even Conan O"Brien was even Screeched In, and didn't even visit our Island.  Contrary to popular belied, and while we would love to have you.  You really can get "Screeched In"  anywhere so long as a Newfounlander, born and bred, bestows the rights and privledges and annoints the licky person to  status of  "Honorary Newfoundlander".  That fact aside,  as of today it is estimated that that over 150,000 Honorary Newfoundlanders exist.  Those hearty lot most of which have visited our shores.  Dont keep it a secret. Let everyone know.   

Pick up a T-Short and Register your Screech in here 

And until we see your again. ..............  "Long May Your Big Jib Draw" 


Whether you have been Screeched In.  Or you were one of the Great Newfoundlanders that organized a Screech In.  Our T-Shirts are a great conversation starter and makes a great gift to send to anyone that has visited Newfoundland and was lucky enough to have been Screeched In.   A friendly reminder that as participants of a Screech Ineach person is officially  an "Honorary Newfoundlnder"    Nobody knows how many there are but it is estimated there  are about 300,000 of these fine fun loving visitors to Newfoundland shores.   

Why not let us send you your T-Shirt and come, join us again for cheer and good-times.